Monday, August 22, 2011

My baby boy Cippy-doodle

My long time friend and companion, Copper, was called home to God last night. He was one great cat. Someone who always showed you unconditional love. He joined our family in the winter of 1993. In the most recent years after I left home he still showed how happy he was to see me every time I visited. He will be deeply missed. I pray one day we will be reunited in Heaven. I found this lovely poem to remember him by. Saying goodbye was the hardest thing I've ever done.

I lost a special friend today
the kind you can't replace,
and looking at his empty bed
I still can see his face.

I know he's in a special place
our Lord has for such friends,
Where meadows, fields & flowers
help make them strong and whole again.

I know he's watching over me
He'll be with me when I cry,
So with one more kiss on his beloved head
I told my friend goodbye.