Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Goodbyes Are Hard

Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean: I'll miss you, until we meet again.

Another of my mom's cats died unexpectedly today, just a mere 3 months after the passing of my Cippy boy. Matisse was a very loveable girl, who's been with us since a month before my daughter was born (12 1/2 years ago). I still find it hard to believe. I wish I could have said goodbye. :'( I love you Matisse! I hope you and Cippy are playing together up there in Heaven!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get Ready!

Wow, so I know it's been a while since I last posted anything. Aside from the sadness of losing my beloved kitty, I've been crazy busy with school! It's almost as if I fell into a black hole. Well get ready... my NLU classes end this week, and I have big plans for trying out a few new recipes I found while procrastinating on school work. I will still be working on my Children's Literature class through mid-December but since I dropped my hours at work down to 3 days a week, instead of 4, I wanted to do some fun things for myself and my family (who have probably forgotten who I am) during my month long break from school.

Recently a co-worker of mine introduced me to the addicting website, Pintrest.com. What a bad co-worker; doesn't she know about my procrastination problem? So as is my nature, I found myself frequently "taking a mental break" from my school work to check out this sight. I have a few recipes saved from this site, found and shared from other great blogs, that I really want to give a whirl. My tummy is growling just thinking of it! Not to mention with Thanksgiving coming up next week, I would like to find something new to make and serve for the holiday. Some recipes I found include some new cookies or treats I'd like to make for Christmas time.

Well, it should come as no surprise that I put off English homework to post this blog, so I'll be getting back to work now. But look for some new food posts in the very near future!