Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Fun

These past couple of weeks have been busy, but a good busy! Fall is my favorite time of the year! Let's start at the beginning. September 24th was my 28th birthday! :) We celebrated by heading to the apple farm that weekend. It was the perfect day for apple picking. My big story from that day was the LARGE spider Sam had on his leg for only God knows how long! We had been out in the raspberry picking area for a little while and then meandered back to the store to stand in line for apple donuts (yum!). After standing in line for over 1/2hr the guy behind us pointed it out to us...after he took a picture of it!

This past weekend was my brother's wedding! I now officially have 2 sister-in-laws with the name Jennifer! :) It was a beautiful outdoor wedding. The weather was unseasonably warm for October. My daughter stood up in the wedding as a Jr. bridesmaid, she looked so pretty!

We all had Monday off of work and school so we headed out to the pumpkin farm. We ran into a boy Claire went to preschool through 3rd grade with...and whom she's had the biggest crush on for all these years. I was very cute to see them so bashfully excited to see each other.

Yesterday on my day off I had a dentist appointment (yay?) and stopped in at Michael's on my way home to buy some materials for a fall decoration. I made a cute wreath for our front door. I'm happy with the way it turned out.

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