Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This Sunday Sam and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! I feel very blessed to share my life with someone so amazing. We started our celebration Saturday night with a campfire and some wine. Sunday morning we went to breakfast at a place called "Burnt Toast". Then we headed out to Yorktown mall, mostly to look for a dress for me to wear for dinner that night but didn't find anything I liked. So instead we ended up buying a blu-ray player as Sam's anniversary gift. My gift was a new ring. It's a white gold band that has 3 blue sapphire gemstones in it. It signifies our wedding month stone. Later that night we went to dinner at Fox Fire, a nice restaurant right across from where we had our reception 1 year before. We walked along the river and took a few pictures to remember the day by.

When we got home we toasted each other using the flutes we received at our wedding shower and watched our wedding video. The night before I had attempted to make a replica layer of our wedding cake. However it didn't turn out so well. The cake was yummy but the decoration was not so pretty. Cake decorator successfully removed from my "what I want to be when I grow up" list.

It was a lovely day but just like the actual wedding day it went by all too fast. :( I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with my hunny!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good time! I can't wait until I get to celebrate my one year anniversary too. I love your hair too!! It looks great.
