Monday, August 9, 2010

Here goes nothing!

I love the idea of a blog. And I love reading other peoples blogs but I'm not sure about maintaining my own blog. I'm pretty sure I bore people in 1:1 communication so I can't see anyone wanting to read my thoughts if they don't have to. Oh well maybe that will work to my benefit. I can ramble on about things and people that bug me without worrying about hurting feelings.

I plan to use this as my way to keep those who do want to read updated on what's going on in my life. Also I plan to share my cooking adventures here as well.

So here goes nothing....

On the menu for tonight's dinner: Meatloaf and rosemary-garlic red roasted potatoes.

As for the meatloaf I simply follow the recipe on the back of the meatloaf seasoning packet but I add Worcestershire sauce to the mix.

Rosemary-garlic red roasted potatoes:
Preheat oven 350 degrees
7 red potatoes (skins on and quartered)
3-4 tbsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
salt and pepper to taste
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp dried rosemary or 2-3 sprigs fresh (stems removed)

Toss all ingredients in bowel to evenly coat potatoes and place on bake sheet lined with foil. Bake 30-35 mins or until golden brown. Enjoy!

Ok so that's what I've got to offer for now. I hope to keep this updated. I wonder if daily updates is too ambitious?


  1. Sounds yummy. I might have to try that! :-)

  2. I agree with Jenny, but the potatoes are not currently on our diet. Dad's lost 69 pounds and I've lost 40.

