Monday, August 16, 2010

Jam Packed Fun

(I do have one new recipe to share towards the end of my post.)

Sometimes I like the hussle and bussle of fun activities to keep me busy on my weekends off. Other times I love spending the whole weekend at home with no plans, it's quite relaxing. This weekend was one of those jam packed fun weekends.

Friday started out as an impromptu date night with my hubby. With Claire off at her grandparents for a sleepover, Sam and I decided to go out to dinner. We had plans to see a show but with the weather changing fast we headed home for a movie night at home instead. FINALLY my rain showed up! It was quite the storm. We left the restaurant with the dark sky quickly rolling overhead. I love when the sky changes so much it's daytime one second and dark as night the next. In our 5 minute drive home the sky opened up. The roads were flooded in a matter of minutes. The run from the car to the front door soaked us as much as if we had just jumped in the shower for 20 minutes. CRAZY but awesome!!!

Saturday was a typical errand running day. We made tentative plans to go to the drive in that night (depending on what time Claire got home from a party with her grandparents. I threw a pork roast in the crockpot to make some pulled pork sandwiches to bring with us to the drive-in, and last minute I decided to make some brownies for dessert. Claire arrived home and we made it out to the drive-in. We saw "The Other Guys" and "Salt", both good movies. I love the drive-in it's some good old fashion fun.

Sunday was my brother and soon-to-be sister in law's wedding shower. It was very lovely. They both looked so happy. It makes me happy to see them happy.

Their wedding date is October 10, 2010. After the shower Claire and I met up with Sam and his parents who happen to be in town that day.

Today is my relaxation day. I have plans to do nothing all day long. AHHHH. It's so nice.

As for my recipe... Thursday night I made Singapore noodles. If anyone knows anything about my husband it's that he is a HUGE fan of Chinese food. He enjoyed it. My own criticism is to be careful with that soy sauce. I love soy sauce and get a little carried away with it. Hubby said it was a little too salty because of it. Next time I'll limit my soy sauce in the main pot and just add to my own serving. Oh and just so you are aware it is a bit spicy.

Singapore Noodles:
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 cup vegetable broth
3 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp honey
1/4 tsp ground cumin
1/8 tsp ground red pepper
1/2 lbs angel hair pasta (cooked and drained)
1/4 cup chopped scallions (white and green parts)
1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
1 tbsp toasted sesame seed

Stir coconut milk, broth, soy sauce, curry powder, honey, ground cumin, and ground red pepper in small sauce pan over medium heat.
Add sauce to cooked pasta and toss to coat. Sprinkle with scallions, red bell pepper, and toasted sesame seeds. Serve hot.

(as a side note, I added some cooked diced chicken to the dish. You can also add pork)

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