Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If you really knew me....

So I was reading a thread in a forum on The Nest (on facebook) and it was titled "If you really knew me..."

I don't often post mostly because I feel what I have to say is not important but I could not help myself. Here was my response:

"If you really knew me..

-you would know I have jealousy issues. I hate when people get what I want before I do. Especially when they're younger than me.

-you would know I have a fear of failure. Lots of times I don't feel I'm smart enough to finish school. I find myself avoiding or procrastinating in finishing my degree because of this.

-you would know how alone I feel.

-you would know how insecure I truely am.

-you would know how much I just want people to like me.

-You would know my husband is the only person that really knows the real horrible me and I don't know how I'd live a day without him.

-you would know how much more I could add to this post but would be afraid to hurt other people's feelings if they ever happen to read it."

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